Monday, January 31, 2011

That Black Swan has serious mother issues

This movie is a horror film geek’s wet dream. If you know a bit of film theory, or if you’re just into your horror films, you will notice that Black Swan has enough psychoanalytical babble to make you weak at the knees.
Just to scratch the surface, there’s an overbearing mother with incestuous tendencies, played by Barbara Hersey (Beaches). Barb, by the way, is not looking good. Maybe the make up team uglied her up to heighten the sense of the monster mother? It worked. There’s a bit of jealously, resentment and sexual attraction between Hersey and Portman.
Which leads us to Portman’s ‘sweet girl’. Where would a good horror movie be without a virginal leading lady being led astray by a sexy evil lesbian? Straight to video, that’s where!
A sexual aggressive Frenchman, a bitter older matriarch (good to see Wynona back on screen) and some awful ballet injuries (split toenail-ahhh!) make for an enjoyable couple of hours spent in the cinema. Possibly much longer spent writing a critical analysis.
Black Swan is definitely worth a watch. Portman is great and Aronofsky is at his messed up best. The horror is a little overdone is places, but you’re sure to hide behind your popcorn in at least 2 scenes. Definitely not the usual Natalie Portman film.

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