Sunday, December 12, 2010

Christmas Wars-Britain vs. Australia

Ok this title might be a bit contentious.
And dramatic.

Christmas is pretty much the only time you'll hear expats in Oz say that they miss home. Given the fact that the whole of Britain has turned into an igloo, if you hear a Brit say that they wish they were home right now-have some pity. Give them a hug, they miss their mums.

An Australian Christmas consists of sun, seafood, beaches, parties, shorts, dresses, sun tan lotion-all those good things.

All those good things for July.

At Christmas this stuff is just plain wrong. Not one inch of my being feels remotely Christmassy here. And in Britain I am a Christmas freak. I applied for a job at the North Pole once and got knocked back because I was too eager.


In Britain.

"Well if you like it so much why don't you f*ck off back to England then!" I hear you cry. Fair play, I'll take that.

"It's too expensive to do every year" is the short answer. So during my year off from a British Christmas, allow me to list the Christmas elements that I miss from home. (while tears flood my keyboard)

In no particular order:
Marks and Spencer's food ads-"This isn't just a mince pie..."
The Salvation Army playing carols in town
Advent calenders-why don't they have them in Oz? Call this a 1st world country?!
My family-I know I said no particular order but I probably should have put this first
Mulled wine
A turkey lunch
Wrapping up in gloves, a scarf AND hat
Proper Christmas lights in the streets-Oxford Street style
Highlighting the Radio Times with programs I want to watch
Walking in the Air movie-does anyone actually like this? You have to watch it though don't you?
Family walk on boxing day-the only time you say hello and smile at strangers
Seeing people in the pub that you haven't seen in years-also avoiding said people

What do I like about an Aussie Christmas? Nothing. It's just not Christmas. It feels like a summer holiday, and there's nothing wrong with that. It's just that I am fairly certain that Santa does not drive over this way. I think Australian parents have to buy their kid's presents, which is just plain sad.

Am I wrong expats of Europe? C'mon Aussies, prove me wrong-what do you love about Christmas in Australia? Convert me!
